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Modificare parola utilizator cPanel din consola

Pentru a modifica parola unui utilizator cPanel din linie de comandă:

/scripts/chpass <utilizator> <parola-nouă>

După modificare trebuie sa rulăm și script-ul următor pentru a sincroniza parola contului ftp.

Cum sa

Instalare IonCube pe servere cu cPanel

Din consola pornim:

/scripts/phpextensionmgr install IonCubeLoader

Dupa instalare putem verifica daca e ok:

php -v
PHP 5.2.16 (cli) (built: Jan 12 2011 15:17:40) 
Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies
    with the ionCube PHP Loader v3.3.20, Copyright (c) 2002-2010, by ionCube Ltd.
Comunicate de presa

Vulnerabilitate Plesk 10

Parallels a anuntat un fix pentru o posibila vulnerabilitate in Plesk 10

Parallels has issued a security hotfix to Parallels Plesk Panel 10.0.1 through the Micro-Updates system.

It is referenced as MU#2 – Plesk admin password changing.

The Micro-Update delivers bug fix for a vulnerability that could allow authorized Plesk users to change Plesk ‘admin’ password and then compromise Control Panel.

For instructions on implementing Micro-updates, please refer to: – Using Micro-Updates in Parallels Plesk Panel 9.x, 10.x and Parallels Small Business Panel.

For instructions on upgrading from the panel, please refer to the Administrator Manual at:

This notification is made pursuant to our development policy of notifying users when critical security issues arise and making fixes available as soon as possible. Please ensure that this patch has already been applied as soon as possible.


Vulnerabilitate ProFTPD

Am primit o notificare de la Parallels referitor la o vulnerabilitate ProFTPD, fiind afectate produsele Plesk 9 si Plesk 10. Noi am actualizat ProFTPD pe serverele cu plesk prin Atomic Rocket Turtle

Comunicatul integral:

ProFTPD Remote Code Execution Vulnerability and Exploit

A flaw in the popular ProFTPD FTP server potentially allows unauthenticated attackers to compromise a server. The problem is caused by a buffer overflow in the pr_netio_telnet_gets() function for evaluating TELNET IAC sequences.

ProFTPD bug report:

Parallels Plesk Panel 9.x, 9.5x and 10 include this vulnerability. Parallels will issue Micro Updates (hotfixes) for 9.5.2 and 9.5.3 no later than 12:00 GMT (noon) on Thursday November 11, (7:00am EST in the US) to fix this. The patch for Parallels Plesk Panel 10.01 will be released at 17:00 GMT on Thursday November 11, (12:00pm EST in the US). Patches for Plesk 9.0, 9.22, and 9.3 will be posted by 12 noon GMT on Friday November 12, (7am EST in the US). Parallels updates on this will be coming soon.


Updating to ProFTPD version 1.3.3c or disabling FTP services is the only current solution to this vulnerability.

ProFTPD is capable of processing TELNET IAC sequences on port 21; the sequences enable or disable certain options not supported by the Telnet or FTP protocol itself. The buffer overflow allows attackers to write arbitrary code to the application’s stack and launch it. Updating to version 1.3.3c of ProFTPD solves the problem.

The update also fixes a directory traversal vulnerability which can only be exploited if the “mod_site_misc” module is loaded. This flaw could allow attackers with write privileges to leave their permitted path and delete directories or create symbolic links outside of the path. The module is not loaded or compiled by default.

A remote root exploit is available: [Full-disclosure]ProFTPD IAC Remote Root Exploit

A Proftpd update for Plesk has been provided by Atomic Rocket Turtle. To apply the update, execute the commands below.

# w get -O - |sh
# yum upgrade psa-proftpd


Red Hat a anuntat disponibilitatea Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) versiunea 6.

Red Hat, Inc, the world’s leading provider of open source solutions, today announced the general availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, the latest major release of the company’s flagship operating platform, setting the scene for its server operating systems for the next decade. With Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, Red Hat defines new standards for commercial open source operating environments. Designed to support today’s flexible and varied enterprise architectures, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 delivers the comprehensive foundation customers need for physical, virtualized and cloud deployments.

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Eroare Plesk table ‘mysql.servers’ doesn’t exist

După o actualizare de mysql, din cauză ca la actualizări e posibil să apară coloane/tabele noi, la pornirea plesk vom avea:

Table 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist

Rezolvăm rulând:

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Instalare module perl

Sunt mai multe metode de a instala module perl, cea mai simplă este folosirea modulului CPAN.


Pornim din linie de comandă:

perl -MCPAN -e shell

Din linia terminal instalarea modulelor se face cu install MODUL, de exemplu pentru a instala LWP::UserAgent folosim:

cpan> install LWP::UserAgent

Se poate instala şi într-o singură comandă:

perl -MCPAN -e 'install LWP::UserAgent'


O a doua variantă e compilarea manuală. Descărcăm modulul de pe CPAN:


Desfacem arhiva:

tar -zxvf libwww-perl-5.837.tar.gz

Intrăm in directorul libwww-perl-5.837 şi rulăm:

 perl Makefile.PL
 make test
 make install

Spre deosebire de varianta 1 dacă modulul are dependinţe care nu sunt instalate acestea vor trebui şi ele compilate şi instalate manual.

Cum sa

Setup mod text centos

Centos dispune de un utilitar de configurare pentru cateva setari minime.

Se porneste cu


Daca nu este instalat:

yum install system-config-network-tui setuptool

Cum sa

Cautare mysql fulltext pentru cuvinte de 3 caractere

Implicit MySQL nu indexeaza cuvinte formate din mai putin de 4 caractere. In general e suficient la cautare 4 caractere, dar e posibil sa avem nevoie de 3 caractere(ex. cautare IBM/AMD).

Putem specifica numarul de caractere minime in my.cnf cu optiunea:

ft_min_word_len = 3

Repornim serviciul MySQL, de asemenea trebuie refacut indexul unde e nevoie de 3 caractere.

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Autentificare ssh lenta de pe sisteme ubuntu

La autentificarea ssh de pe sisteme cu ubuntu, durează mult până se cere parola.

Edităm / etc/ssh/ssh_config şi comentăm următoarele linii:

GSSAPIAuthentication yes
GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no