
Google Public DNS

Google a lansat un serviciu dns gratuit, pe un segment dominat acum de OpenDNS.

Ip-urile Google Public DNS sunt:

Deocamdata este un serviciu experimental si e recomandat sa fie folosit impreuna si cu alte dns-uri.

DNS-urile providerului de internet sunt mai rapide decat Google Public DNS sau OpenDNS, folositi dns-urile publice doar daca aveti probleme cu cele ale providerului.

Am testat din reteaua rds timpul de raspuns:
DNS RDS Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=62
Google Public DNS Reply from bytes=32 time=21ms TTL=244
OpenDNS Reply from bytes=32 time=34ms TTL=60

Mai exista un aspect de care trebuie tinut cont – google stie deja foarte multe despre activitatea noastra online prin serviciul lor de cautare, prin google analytics. Cu acest serviciu nou va ajunge sa stie cam tot :).

Ce stocheaza Google Public DNS in momentul de fata:

Request domain name, e.g.
Request type, e.g. A (which stands for IPv4 record), AAAA (IPv6 record), NX, TXT, etc.
Transport protocol on which the request arrived, i.e. TCP or UDP
Client's AS (autonomous system or ISP), e.g. AS15169
User's geolocation information: i.e. geocode, region ID, city ID, and metro code
Response code sent, e.g. SUCCESS, SERVFAIL, NXDOMAIN, etc.
Whether the request hit our frontend cache
Whether the request hit a cache elsewhere in the system (but not in the frontend)
Absolute arrival time in seconds
Total time taken to process the request end-to-end, in seconds
Name of the Google machine that processed this request, e.g. machine101
Google target IP to which this request was addressed, e.g. one of our anycast IP addresses (no relation to the user's IP)